Thursday, September 3, 2009

still not in the mood for racounting parisienne adventures

first of all... i dont know if racounting is a word. i guess the english verb is "to recount." the french verb is raconter. in any case, i choose franglais.

since i'm not in the mood for this racounting business, i will post some pictures. nope, they aren't pictures of me in paris. they're not even pictures of paris. they're pictures that my friend, dear charles mallison, took one hot summer day in los angeles that have recently been developed and scanned. woo.

that is, if i can get this to work. as you probably know, i have the technological prowess of a grandparent. except thats not exactly true, because my grandfather is actually great with technology considering he was born in ancient greece. let's see here....

i've never looked quite so... voluptuous... before in my life.

have doc martens. will kick ass.
this is my absolute favorite. it looks like a still from a really awesome indie movie.

meanwhile, i'm going through a "femininity crisis" of sorts...well, i have been for the past few months, but the acuteness of such process spiked last week. i may or may not write more about this here at a later date... i'm not sure that this thing that was supposed to be a travel blog is necessarily the audience for such musings. in any case (god i really use that phrase too often), this image seems fitting:


  1. well, you are traveling while encountering such a you may as well discuss it here. i mean, theyre connected...right? haha. i dont know what im talking about. the pictures are very nice. youre coming to finland. wooooo!

  2. Melinda- I don't even know where to start.

    Barret- its not that its unrelated, its just that i'm not sure i want to go there with this specific audience.
    Can't wait to see you!

  3. Well, I would interested in hearing about it, anyway.
