Monday, October 19, 2009

i suppose you'll be wanting to know how amsterdam was.

this past weekend i left the stress of midterm exams and papers behind and went to amsterdam, where i met up with my darling Ian (writer of a rather impressive travel blog if i do say so myself, go check it out: he doesnt update frequently either, but his blog has the benefit that Ian, unlike me, is actually a writer).

since Ian and i share a passion for coffee, we spent the weekend sampling several types of coffee.
and because all that coffee made us hungry, we also got some chocolate waffles.

it was a very culturally enriching weekend. and now i am back in paris, where i have to take 2 more exams before running away to Finland.

3 months: an overview

here it is. the best way i've come up with to summarize my october, november, december, and beginning of january: a photograph of a handwritten flow chart. please excuse the franglais.

and yes, i know that is a very small photo. to see a bigger, more legible version, right click (or mac equivalent for us cool people) and select "open link in a new tab"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

this is a flute

significantly thinner and also a big shorter than the standard baguette, this is called a flûte.