Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Day in LA

I guess it's time to say farewell (for now) to Los Angeles. Tomorrow I'm driving north where I'll stay for the next two weeks before I fly to Paris.

Just a few things:

-Moving SUCKS. A lot.
-It's been an interesting past 2 years, and I think I'm actually going to miss this city.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Elle va où?


I'm notoriously bad at blogging or keeping up with any sort of journal type thing.
But I'm going to try. Why? Because when privileged white kids go to Europe, they keep travel blogs. It's a law. And I'm going to Europe for the next-almost-five-months, so here's my travel blog.

I'm leaving from San Francisco on August 16th. I'll be touching down in Washington, DC on January 1, 2010. For most of my trip, I'll be in Paris. Hence the URL of this blog, "emileeaparis." And yes, if you speak French you'll notice that it rhymes. That's 'a' as in à, of course, the preposition meaning 'in' or 'at,' and not actually just 'a' as in a, the third person singular form of the verb avoir, because that would mean that "emilee" has Paris. I definitely do not have Paris.

I will also be going to Normandy and Provence for weekend trips. Those are the only ones set in stone, but I also want to go to Strasbourg and hopefully all the way up to Helsinki to visit a pal. Since I'll be done with school by December 12, and have the next 19 days to run around and do whatever (as long as I schoot back to CDG by the 31st), I want to head south for the holidays and visit family in Greece and possibly go to Spain with a friend. I also want to visit a family friend who lives in the Moselle valley in Germany. And of course my Ian darling is spending the fall in Norwich, England so hopefully we'll meet up in London at some point.

If you have any suggestions of places in western Europe that you think I absolutely must visit, please share!